Last weekend I went back to KL for my regular monthly trip (haven’t gone back for more than a month already) and it’s sooooo good to experience KL life again. The trip was only 3 days (only 3 days L sad sad sad, all because of work work work. I’ll have my revenge Mr. Bossssssssss!!!) but as usual it was an exhausting 3 days full of makan-makan, movies, football, yamca, shopping and abit of a Karaoke session thrown in for good measure. Yup, not bad a schedule for 3 days.
On the first day, I managed to meet up with D for lunch at 1U’s ‘Delicious’. We whiled away the time updating each other like yapping ladies about what’s happening to who, where and how. So much so it was nearly dinner time after we finished & later I got a date with SL as well as a certain Mr. Bond at KLCC. Drove from Damansara to KLCC (luckily no jam PHEWWW) and just after parking in Avenue K (it’s easier there and a lot cheaper parking than KLCC) SL called. It was almost dinner time and we headed to an old eating joint of ours called ‘Bongsen’. It offers Vietnamese-French infused cuisine, but after eating at that place a few times, I don’t see the French influence anywhere. Maybe I’m French-dumb but to me it’s all Vietnamese food. Blimey. But the highlight of the day was really our date with Mr. Bond. SL bought the ‘Quantum of Solace’ tickets days ago and we had the best seat in the house, right smack in the center of a THX cinema. Lovely. So was the movie any good? Read my full review below this blog, but to sum it up, it’s not as good as ‘Casino Royale’. It’s still ok, but not great…
The next day, it was THE big day. No, I’m not getting married. It was Arsenal Vs. Manchester United. Yes, I’m a footie fan and the Red Devils are my team. The Devils are finally shifting nicely into gear with a few wins lately, while Arsenal was still living in a world of disillusionment that they can still win the league with a bunch of kids. And after suffering a defeat at lowly Stoke just prior to this big match, they were ripe for a devilish picking. I heard that ‘Tiger FC’ was having those huge outdoor events whereby they show the match ‘live’ on a gigantic screen, and this time it was at Sunway Pyramid’s ‘Bar Republic’. I just have to go. Called up TK and we got a front row seat and ordered some beer. The place was filled to the brim with footie fans. The stage was set. My adredeline was pumping. The match began. It was being played at a frantic pace. Both teams were going for it. It was perfect, both teams created chances to score. Until Arsenal scored. And scored again. And Man United never scored back. F**K. It ended Man Utd losing 2-0 to FC Kindergarten. Double the F**K. I didn’t even finish the beer. That’s coz I felt like having something stronger. A double shot of pure Vodka perhaps. That will do for a start…
On the third day, I had to release some of the disappointment away. I had to let it all out. I wanted to SCREAM. So what perfect way to scream than Karaoke? From noon until late evenings, it was Happy Hour at ‘Red Box’ Karaoke, meaning it was only RM25 per person, inclusive of 1 drink and 1 meal, or you can substitute the meal for another drink. But don’t be fooled. The tidbits are COMPULSORY. The tidbits, consisting of some prawn crackers and kacang putih that could easily cots RM1 at a nearby mamak store, charges people RM8 each. And they will give you 3 packets the size of your palm for your ‘total enjoyment’. Don’t be shocked as this gimmick as it is not new and not exclusive to ‘Red Box’. This gimmick is rampant in the karaoke industry, and we the customer will just have to live with it. Me, TK, Maj, AN and SL paid a total of RM35 each for a 5 hour session of speaker shattering and ear piercing live performances. For me, everyone was OK EXCEPT for Uncle. Not only does his singing do not follow the timing of the lyrics, but his antics in the darkened room is…peculiar, at best. And somehow, I got dragged into his peculiar behavior too. Damn you Maj, damn you. I was innocent. I got framed, I told youuuu, fraaammmmeeddddd……

Prawn Rice Paper Roll Appetizer @ Bongsen, KLCC: They are having a promotion now (or is it been running for ages already? I'm not sure) whereby for RM28 per person, it will include an appetizer, main dish and drink. It's quite worth it as the choices are many and the dishes provided are kinda exotic. Don't know what to order at 'Bongsen'? Just simply whack this set lah.

'Pho' Beef @ Bongsen, KLCC: I think this is every Vietnamese cuisine's signature dish. As for the name, 'pho' basically means noodles in Vietnamese. But depending on your level of English, some people pronounce it as 'Foo', but for me, I call it 'Poo'. 'Coz it got balls of stuff floating in a bowl of brownish water...Ooh Nevermind...

Having A Blast! @ Bongsen, KLCC: This dish is really called 'Having a Blast!'. We were feeling peckish so we ordered some stuff from the snacks menu, and decided on 'Having A Blast'. Why? Simply because of the name. What's so blasty what this dish? Absolutely nothing haha. It's just all fried stuff. The serving looks alot doesn't it? Actually, on the menu it said RM14 for this dish, and after seeing the serving, I thought DAMN, it looks blardy worth it. But when the bill came, they charged us TWICE, meaning its for TWO PERSONS. RM28 for this? Abit hard to swallow. Having a Blast indeed...

Having a Blast! @ Bongsen, KLCC: If you like fried onion rings, you are gonna love this dish. Perfect for being peckish, but not so perfect during dates with your loved ones. Close proximity with a tender loved one is a strict no-no, unless your loved one got a thing for onion breath...
The 'Tiger FC' Big Away Game at Repulic Bar, Sunway Pyramid: Huge fans of Arse-anal & Man Utd gathered outside of the Republic Bar for one of the biggest matches in English Football so far. I LOVE to watch football matches in such environments. The screaming crowd just gives that extra ‘uummpphh’ in excitement during a match. The ‘OOoooHHh’s and ‘AAaaHHHhhhhhh’s are something that no one can feel at home except in an open environment like this one….
…but when the opposition side scores against my team, sometimes I wish the ground would open up and swallow me in it. The Arse-anal fans go ballistic here when they score the 2nd goal to win the match 2-0. Cheh. You guys were lucky. Okaylah, you guys played well. But we simply let you win it to make the League more competitive mah right, Man Utd fansss?? Hmmpphh…
The 'Tiger FC' Big Away Game @ Republic Bar, Sunway Pyramid: Jien and Selena C (from Mix FM) was there to pump up the crowd. The games that they played? Pick people from the crowd and ask them to take their shirts off. Seriouslyy!!! Just see beloww...
The ‘Tiger FC’ Big Away Game @ Republic Bar, Sunway Pyamid: This poor kid had to take his shirt off so that he can get some cheapo jersey in return. As though that's not enough, Serena C was making fun of his body by asking why there's so little 'bulu' on him. And that's in front of so many people. PAISEHHHH!!!! If that's me, I'll return the cheapo jersey to them and retain by pride thank you...See how happy is Jien on the left there? I wonder why he is so happy leh...?
The ‘Tiger FC’ Big Away Game @ Republic Bar, Sunway Pyamid: Oh, and some lucky fan won a signed Arse-anal jersey or something. If I've won that thing I'll use it to wipe the toilet bowl that I use which doesn't really flushes properly sometimes. Oh wait, I already done that to a Chelsea jersey. My bad.
The ‘Tiger FC’ Big Away Game @ Republic Bar, Sunway Pyamid: If only I can drown my dissappointment with this bad-ass bottle of badness.
Karaoke @ Red Box, Pyramid: Warming up for our World Tour. See the guy on my right, he is so happy about it until it got him giggling like a little school girl.
Karaoke @ Reb Box, Pyramid: It's all fun and games here at Red Box. Whichever ladies that dares to grab this mic from TK', groin area wins a non-stop 2 hour session with this groin-ster himself. Whatever you wanna do within that 2 hours is entirely up to you. Lovely.
Karaoke @ Reb Box, Pyramid: The fun and games continues. Whoever dares to sing to my mic here wins the actual real thing. Yeah baby. TK shows a disturbing sign of great interest. Curb your enthusiasm there fella.
Karaoke @ Reb Box, Pyramid: After much persuasion, 'The Sri Supremas' finally performs live to an audience of...two. From left to right are Uncle TFK (from the TK fame), Ray-Ray Choybecca & the Maj Mahal.
Karaoke @ Red Box, Pyramid: So much soul, so much spunk, a great show can be virtually guaranteed. For immediate bookings, kindly call our Manager Uncle TFK at 019-6969696. Thank you.
Yamca @ Old Taste Kopitiam, SS15: Our 'Sri Supremas' financial controller shows to our manager our earnings for the past month: RM10 bucks. "That's not enough to even buy ONE hair extension!!!" Our future is doomed before it even began.
Yamca @ Old Taste, SS15: Disgrunted, our Manager TFK ponders our next big hit: "If Christina Aguilera can make a hit out of a genie in a bottle, I can make a hit from kopi in a cup!!" Truly inspirational, he gathers his great ideas from anywhere and everywhere. But I'll be pondering: "God help us all".
That's it for my short KL trip last week. Until next time friends and family!!!! THE SRI SUPREMAs ROXXXXXs!!!